The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #45210   Message #667341
Posted By: RichM
11-Mar-02 - 08:02 PM
Thread Name: BS: No where else to go...
Subject: RE: BS: No where else to go...
Two years ago, my wife came home one evening after seeing friends. When she got inside the door, she suddenly collapsed to the floor. I heard her mewling, that's the best word to describe it, from where I was upstairs. When I came down, she was incoherent--she was alert but her words were not connected to what she was trying to say--and she knew that!
I rushed her to emergency, she recovered after a couple of hours;long story short: after a year of testing for heart, brain, etc problems, the best opinion was that she was suffering from a form of migraine attack, possibly brought on by caffeine intake...she had a further but lesser attack 4 weeks after the first one, and nothing since.
What I'm trying to say, I guess, is that this may or may not be any case, my prayers and good wishes go with you and your daughter.

Rich McCarthy