The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #45161   Message #667399
Posted By: Bobert
11-Mar-02 - 09:48 PM
Thread Name: Mudcat CD maybe?
Subject: RE: Mudcat CD maybe?
McGrath: Okay, the bobert says as he pulls the string that lights the bright red and blue neon sign that reads...."snoissefnoc eurt"... opps, I'm behind the sign. Lets me go around to other side. Ahhh... "true confessions". That's better. Now, I don't know if I'm speaking just for myself, and if I am please ignore the bobert ramblings, but I don't know how to do "clicky" stuff. I've been too busy beating on my poor ol' Martin for these years that everyone else was turning in to pinball techno wizzards and, hey, there may be others out there that just don't have the capabilities, haven't learned the secret handshakes and can't for the life of em' figure out how to share their music with a community they feel part of. But then again, the bobert may be the last of the Mohegans, and if this is the case then ignore this point of view.

Plus, I just like Cd's. You can take 'em with ya. You can make tapes from them and then listen to them in your car cassette player, if you don't have a car CD player. You can lend 'em to friends. You can stop 'em and run back a part when you're trying to figure out what someone is doing.

Man, if someone had told me ten years ago, when I was still palyin' LP's, that one day I would be arguing the case for CD's as being passe' technology, I'd have thought it crazy... but here I am spillin' my guts. Danged.