The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #45108   Message #667488
Posted By: Murray MacLeod
12-Mar-02 - 12:37 AM
Thread Name: OBIT: Hamish Henderson (1919-2002)
Subject: RE: OBIT: Hamish Henderson
Sandy, your recollections of Hamish have brought back memories for me.

I only had a nodding acquaintance with him until one afternoon in Sandy Bells in Edinburgh, when we fell to conversing about the Highlands, and I was able to tell him about the island of Handa in Sutherland, (about a mile offshore from my home village of Scourie) , which had the unique distinction of being governed by a "Queen" an office which was held by the oldest unmarried woman on the island. I can still remember how animated he became as we discussed this largely forgotten piece of folklore.

Sandy, I would think you must have passed through Scourie on your way to Tongue. I can remember the Stewarts used to camp in Scourie every spring, at the top of the brae ....

As you say, thank God he lived as long as he did.
