The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #44379   Message #667529
Posted By: Nigel Parsons
12-Mar-02 - 05:17 AM
Thread Name: BS: I think there's a song challenge here!!!
Subject: RE: BS: I think there's a song challenge here!!!
SharonA: I agree with your initial posting, The perpetrator should be dealt with: Did you mean the person who failed to cremate the bodies, or the perpetrator of the song ??
Seriously though, Leave the song and the link in. Removing it would suggest that it should not have been included at all, and ones immediate response to anything, either good news, or atrocity, is often a truer reflection of its impact.
No-one writing a song now about the Titanic could capture any of the immediacy of feeling at the time. In a few years you can look back and decide whether your response was appropriate, but remeber, that will be a different you.