The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #45229 Message #667646
Posted By: InOBU
12-Mar-02 - 10:38 AM
Thread Name: WTC memorial lights in NYC
Subject: RE: WTC memorial lights in NYC
I completely agree and would like to see the Sphere be a permanent memorial. Funny enough, it was so perfect in it's form that about a week before the 11th, I was standing in the plaza looking at it, maybe because of the movie A I, I was thinking about what the passing years would do to it, would it outlast the towers and be some erroding knick nack in some corner of a future city, rediscovered by a historian who would say it once stood in front of the largest buildings of it's day. So, a few days after the 11th, I found my self wondering about it, crushed no doupt under the rubble, and well, here it is. The fact that it was so bright and smooth and perfect, makes it a very touching memorial. Cheers, Larry