The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #45108   Message #667649
Posted By: RoyH (Burl)
12-Mar-02 - 11:04 AM
Thread Name: OBIT: Hamish Henderson (1919-2002)
Subject: RE: OBIT: Hamish Henderson
I met Hamish Henderson only about half a dozen times, but they are times I will never forget. I met him first in Edinburgh,circa 1965. We spent a long time talking about the 'D.Day Dodgers' song. I had learned my version in the army in 1951 from an old Sgt.Major who was a veteran of the Italian campaigns. Subsequent meetings were a joy to me for his exhilarating conversation, scraps of song and poetry pulled out of his memory and followed up through the mail weeks or more later, and his life affirming sense of fun. His loss is a sad one, not only for his family and friends, but for the world at large. We have need of such as he. Let's keep his memory green by treasuring the things he left behind for us. Read his works, sing his songs.