The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #45062   Message #667827
Posted By: Little Hawk
12-Mar-02 - 04:03 PM
Thread Name: BS: Chaos, Intuition, and Nonlinear Dynamics
Subject: RE: BS: Chaos, Intuition, and Nonlinear Dynamics
The mineral can't comprehend the plant, but the plant comprehends the mineral (and knows how to make good use of it).

The plant can't comprehend the animal, but the animal comprehends the plant (and knows how to make good use of it).

The animal can't comprehend the human being, but the human being can comprehend the animal (and is capable...given maturity...of making good use of it).

The human mind can't comprehend the spirit, but the spirit can comprehend the mind (and knows very well how to make good use of it).

The human mind, in its usual state of development, mistakenly imagines itself to the highest achievable level of consciousness, and its proudest forms of expression are: SCIENCE...and...RELIGION...the two great, foolish, self-important historical antagonists who might better have been friends, had they had the wisdom to embrace all of Reality instead of just a part of it.

One is founded on what is material, the other on what is not. Both are mired in arrogance and prejudice.

Religions are founded by people in touch with the spirit, but maintained (for the most part) by people not in touch with the spirit in the least...they attach themselves to outer forms, rigid beliefs, and worldly gains of the usual sorts sought by selfish people.

The conventional scientific community, being on the somewhat higher levels of the mind, is neither equipped nor inclined toward an understanding of the spirit, in no way comprehends the spirit, denies its existence, and will loftily dismiss these statements of mine as meaningless.

Fine with me. It actually doesn't matter. Evolution takes care of all these things in the long run, in a very intelligent and invevitable fashion.

The human mind is NOT the final stage in evolution! It's a junior high school student who thinks he knows everything. Ever met one of those? Ever left a house in his care for very long?

- LH