The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #45229 Message #668484
Posted By: catspaw49
13-Mar-02 - 03:09 PM
Thread Name: WTC memorial lights in NYC
Subject: RE: WTC memorial lights in NYC
All that aside, I was less than impressed too with the light show and found the TV pictures almost didn't show it. I DO agree with you all on the Sphere......That one really needs to stay! It has a certain "Down but not out" quality about it, Phoenix-like if you will. I haven't watched much of the 9/11 replay things til watching the documentary the other night and regardless of what it showed of the disaster, it showed far more into the minds and mindset of firefighters everywhere. I was grateful for removal of the scenes that were felt too gratuitous but also thankful it was left so "raw" in language and many images. Really an excellent piece of work.