The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #45190   Message #668758
Posted By: Jon Freeman
13-Mar-02 - 11:02 PM
Thread Name: Back injury / glucosamine sulphate
Subject: RE: Back injury / glucosamine sulphate
I'm not sure why a thread was also started in the Annexe but this was Pip's post there:

Pip Freeman

Posted - 3/11/2002 8:54:57 PM

Glucosamide Sulphate is proving very effective in the treatment of arthritic conditions. It helps to improve the condition of the stuctures aound the joint, ie ligaments and tendons, and helps in the prodution of synovial fluid, (naturally produced joint lubricant) It is to be preferred to the anti-inflammatory drugs, as it has no known side-effets.

John, has your friend seen a doctor other than his GP to find a reason for his back pain, any X-rays? GPs do tend to dismiss arthritis with the "you must learn to live with it" comment. That always makes me cross; you may not be able to reverse actual structural damage to arthritic joints, but there are ways of improving the conditon of the joint and structures round it, improving mobility and pain relief, management etc.

I may be a bit biased here, but a good physiotherapist can give very good advice on the managment of back problems, and good treatment too. Often a GP has a physio attached to his practice.

There is a very good book called "Treat your own back" by R.McKenzie--probably available in libraries. I do recommend it.


Edited By Pip Freeman - 3/11/2002 9:16:15 PM