The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #45286   Message #668894
Posted By: Banjer
14-Mar-02 - 05:48 AM
Thread Name: OK I got a banjo, NOW what do I do?
Subject: RE: OK I got a banjo, NOW what do I do?
Ah yes, Naemanson, you will indeed hear many jokes about banjo players. I myself collected a whole book of them so far and I know there are probably still enough out there to fill another volume!

As for advice, I can only say to enjoy whatever you decide to do with the banjo.

First you must decide which method you wish to play as your primary. Frailing is mine. Once you get comfortable with that method you may want to work in some upstroke and finger picking effects. I think the combination is neat.

I would venture to say that no two banjo players play in exactly the same way, and if you develop your own style then more power to you. I once had a teacher of music try to berate me for playing a mix of styles and I promptly told her that before Earl Scruggs' method became accepted and widespread it too would have been considered incorrect.

Most importantly, YOU have to enjoy what you play using whatever method YOU decide on and thge rest will fall into place!

Q. Which burns longer, a banjo or a bohran?

A. Who cares?