The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #44966   Message #669474
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
14-Mar-02 - 08:47 PM
Thread Name: non-music: Good news
Subject: RE: Good news

You're past the hardest part of this, figuring out how to take the news of cancer, then figuring out what to do about it. My thoughts, when facing this a couple of years ago 1)I could die and 2)what to tell my kids. I stumbled around for a few minutes, then got online and started asking questions, and once I figured out, from the doctors and from research that Stage I cancer is highly survivable, then I was able to relax, and to tell the kids. And while my daughter (then 11) blanched at the word cancer, I was able to move forward with my news and tell them that it was curable. And we all believed it. I think that is why you should follow the advice above to "forget the 15%." You really should, because all it does is introduce doubt, and doubt doesn't help you get better. Positive thoughts, humor, and get plenty of sleep.
