The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #19332   Message #669515
Posted By: Alice
14-Mar-02 - 09:50 PM
Thread Name: Singalong songs for St. Patrick's Day
Subject: RE: Singalong songs for St. Patrick's Day
Well, two years after I started this thread, and here we are again... last year was three paid gigs, a very busy day. This year it will be more layed back. Tomorrow night I will be singing on the Main Street Show, a regional kind of Prairie Home Companion. Songs will be Foggy Dew (love version), Paddy's Lamentation, Red is the Rose, and a Scottish song to finish (!!!!), Tam Glen. Sunday is our regular weekly session night, and in the afternoon, some of us will play for food at the Catholic church's St. Patrick's Day supper. More of my standards for such an occasion, The Rose of Tralee (my dad's favorite) and Star of the County Down.

Have fun, everyone.

By the way, Butte's notorious roudy green beer and parade day is being more controlled this year. The mayhem built up to such a peak last year that everyone decided to make some changes. Now they have required an ID to get some kind of bracelet or arm band that will let you buy drinks. It's always such a wild place on March 17th that I avoid going there. Butte does have alot of music booked, but the crowds of drinkers can get out of hand.
