The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #44532 Message #670593
Posted By: GUEST
17-Mar-02 - 01:45 AM
Thread Name: Is Joan Baez a fraud?
Subject: RE: Is Joan Baez a fraud?
I agree with jAMES. iF SHE'S a 'fraud', we need morepeople LIKE her . She has defended human rights, helped overthrow communism in the chevk Repuvblic, conferred , sang, an d influenced world leaders(she convinced President Carter to send the seventh fleet to rescue the 'boat people', influenced the move toward human rights in Latin America, worked with Havel in the 'velvet revolution', Leah Walsea, a nobel peace prize winner in Argentia,stood firm and influenced civil rights, human rights, and the oppressed world wide. Her relationship with David Harris had nothing to do with her oppossation to the war. She was against the war before she met him and after they divorced. She is morally oppossed to war. President Mitterend of France called her'a serious soldier for non violence and peace. And so she is! She has used her superior voice for the bettermen of human kind. As she sang for the Dali Lama 'no more negative thinking, no more negative thinking , mo more negative thinking over her.Baez is one of the strongest, most influential, and commanding personalities of our day. viva Baez