The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #45010   Message #670906
Posted By: Rolfyboy6
17-Mar-02 - 05:00 PM
Thread Name: Worst of All Possible Covers?
Subject: RE: BS: Worst of All Possible Covers???
I've actually got it on a record.

Waylon Jennings doing "MacArthur Park." That manly Texas baritone cracks on "Someone left the cake out in the R-a-I-n".

It was before the 'Outlaw' thing and they were trying to sell him as black-leather-hair-grease-relevance to a sensitive socially relevant female audience. I have no idea why 'MacArthur Park' was considered sensitive and socially relevant. Does anybody have any idea what that song was about? It's always on the ten worst song lists.

I should apologize for posting thisNo More Mr. Nice Guy And then there are "The Shaggs"