The reference on the website Dicho sited earlier on was wrong; it should have been Child #95, The Maid Freed from the Gallows, not #15, which is Leesome Brand.
I see no significant relationship between the Hungarian song and Geordie in any of its forms, and I don't believe that they can usefully be considered analogous. The theft of horses and cattle is a commonplace in traditional song, as it was in life. If there is a useful analogy to be made with anything in the Child corpus, it would be with #95, where the sexes of the protagonists are sometimes reversed, and where there is also a cumulative ransom motif. Child cites a Swedish form which also includes a series of curses. The song under consideration here was not known to Child, so we can't know how he would have classified it; so far, I am convinced that he would have referred to it under #95, not #209.