The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #45461   Message #671949
Posted By: greg stephens
19-Mar-02 - 11:03 AM
Thread Name: What's wrong with 'Folk Music'
Subject: RE: What's wrong with 'Folk Music'
Well,Ron, Ive reread his posting and I cant see anything that says people arent allowed to sing old songs. He just says he thinks those particular versions are a load of crap.In as many offensive ways as he can think of ! I agree the guy seems to have got out of bed the wrong side, but he's entitled not to like them isn't he? I see no conceivable bit in his posting thatimplies he doesnt think people should be allowed to sing old songs. Attack people for what they say, not what they didnt say.Blimey, why I am defending him, he can do that himself. Bit of a grumpbag,isnt he?