The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #45474   Message #672682
Posted By: breezy
20-Mar-02 - 12:48 PM
Thread Name: catter heads folk night near Padstow
Subject: RE: catter heads folk night near Padstow
pickings are good in middle street outside the deli and R.S's - yes thats how it's pronounced - B n B.
Keep Bryant out , or the folks in the almshouses will be up in revolt, and they really can be revolting at times.
Must try and get to hertford again and bennington, but been busy with the St. Albans folk club at the Comfort Hotel where this Friday there's Bill Caddick 22nd march 2002.We re-open on Fri 19th April with the -amazing-mr-smith, condoms an all!He's ahoot.then Harvey andrews, Derek brimstone,then on the 10th May VIN GARBUTT - get your tickets now.Hereendeththeplug
It'l be good to meet you Kernow John, will put you down for 2 floor spots at least 3 songs per spot. see you by 8.15. For references talk to lanfranc.
I'll pass your sentiments on Boab, Lester's portrait adorns the bar