The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #44532   Message #673329
Posted By: GUEST,Donna
21-Mar-02 - 10:45 AM
Thread Name: Is Joan Baez a fraud?
Subject: RE: Is Joan Baez a fraud?
Is Joan Baez a fraud? No, I'm pretty positive Joan Baez is Joan Baez. How is she as a performer and singer? I saw her at the Atlanta concert Friday night. Amazing! Voice strong, a little deeper, beautiful and absolutely mesmerizing, delivery outstanding. And as is the norm for her, showcasing the new talent with her. Enjoying herself, and entertaining us. Sincere and humble, bowing to us and telling us, "I'd rather have you than the grammy." She could have "sold out" years ago, and got that grammy, you know. Did she marry David to further her career? I wouldn't think so. Her career was pretty up there then. It may have brought more focus to David's situation ... but is that why they married? I heard somewhere that they married because they were in love. Ever hear her self-penned song, "Recently"? Anyway, I heard about this thread on the Joan Baez Listserv ... I enjoyed reading all the replies. Very interesting takes. Think I'll explore your site a little. Nice.
