The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #6015   Message #673510
Posted By: GUEST
21-Mar-02 - 03:33 PM
Thread Name: Greensleeves ... Whence the name?
Subject: RE: GREENSLEEVES ... Whence the name?
A pleasant new ballad of Daphne.

When Daphne did from faire Phopebus flie
the West winde mist sweetly
Did blow in her face: Her silken Scarfe scarce shaddowed her eyes,
The God cried, O pitie, and held her in chace,
Stay Nimph, Stay Nimph, cries Apollo,
Tarry and turn thee, sweet Nimph stay,
Lion nor Tyger dothe thee follow;
Turne thy faire eyes and look this away,
O turn, O prettie sweet,
And let our red lips meet:
Pittie O Daphne, pittie O pittie me.
pittie O Daphne pitties me


She gaue no care unto his cry,
But still did neglect him the more he did mone,
He still did entreat, she still did denie,
And earnestly prayes him to leaue her alone.
Neuer neuer cryes Apollo,
Unlesse to loue thou do consent:
But still with my voice so hollow,
Ile crie to thee while life be spent,
But if thou turne to me,
I will praise thye felicitie
Pitty O Daphne, pittie O me,
pitty O Daphne, pitty me.

Away like Uenus Doue she flies,
The red blood her buskins did run all adowne,
He Plaintiffe loue she now denies
Crying, help help Diana and saue my renowne;
Wanton wanton lust is neare me.
Cold and chast Diana aid,
Let the earth a Virgin beare me:
Or deuoure me quick a maid:
Diana heard her pray,
And turned her to a Bay.
Pittie O Daphne, pittie, O pittie me,
pitty O Daphne, pittie me.

Amazed stood Apollo then,
When he beheld Daphne turn'd as she desired,
Accurst I am aboue Gods and men,
With griefe and laments my sences are tired.
Farwel false Daphne most unkinde,
My loue is buried in this graue,
Long haue I sought louv, yet loue could not finde,
Therefore this is my Epitaph
This tree doth Daphne couer,
That never pitied lover,
Farwell false Daphne that would not pittie me
though not my Loue, yet art thou my Tree.

T:B103- Daphne
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