Most people will be familiar with the 'Albert Ramsbottom' monologues, popularised by Marriott Edgar and Stanley Holloway from the 30's to the 70's. It appears that people are still writing the occasional 'Albert' monologue which I would very much like to add to my growing collection.
I'm searching, in particular, for 'Albert And The Outside Privy' and 'Albert And The Vampire'... plus any others that follow the original 'Marriott Edgar' style.
Can anyone help?...
The following are available at my site...Marriott Edgar :
The Lion And Albert
Albert And His Savings
Albert And The 'Eadsman
Albert's Return
The Jubilee Sov'reign
Recumbent Posture
The Runcorn Ferry
Stanley Holloway :
Albert Evacuated
Albert's Reunion
And the tradition continues with :
Son Of Albert (Captures the style very well!)
Tail End Albert Albert as a Tail Gunner)
Albert And The Vindaloo (Very Funny!)
Albert At Sellafield
Albert And The Monkey (A 'Discword' version)
Albert And The Computer
Albert And The Whorehouse (Not uploaded because of younger visitors)