The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #45603   Message #675020
Posted By: The Pooka
23-Mar-02 - 06:28 PM
Thread Name: Northern Ireland - anthem?
Subject: Lyr Add: PEACE IN ERIN (Hugh McWilliams)
Good one there, Suffet. :)

Ard & Big, Uh oh, here we go. (Well, I suppose I was askin' fer it. Sorry.) Look, it's both. Wot's inna Name? It's all of the Six Counties of the Statelet of the Province of Northern Ireland of the United Kingdom, and it's Northeast Ulster and two-thirds of the Fourth Green Field and how's about a cheering rousing chorus of the Boyne Water & Three-Quarters Of A Nation Once Again. Me, I like the dialectical designation I learned here on the 'Cat: Norn Iron.

It needn't be a *national* anthem. Just an anthem.

Well, in the spirit if not the letter of the idea, here's one of many fine offerings from the thread "Peace in Ireland: A Song Challenge" - Click here -- this posted by John Moulden in March 2000. (For a heartfelt modern original composition, see Big John's therein, March 11 2002.) For a song to merit Anthem consideration, "Erin" would probably have to go--the Name problem y'know, compounded by an actual *language* issue--but maybe people could agree on, like -- "Ireland"? But it's the Thought that counts. I hope.

by Hugh McWilliams
born County Antrim, 1783

Were all mankind disposed like me,
To live in love and unity,
No more contention there would be,
Upon the plains of Erin.
Originally we are sprung,
From Father Adam, old and young,
These words should flow from every tongue,
We'll cherish peace in Erin

We're formed by one Deity,
To worship him, let's all agree,
And live in love and harmony
With every class in Erin.
On Sunday, if our roads do lie,
To Clough, or to the Glens hard by,
It should not weaken friendship's tie,
Amongst the sons of Erin!

What shore can boast so pure an air?
Or sons more brave or girls more fair,
Or who were e'er esteemed in war,
Before the boys of Erin ?
Their courage far abroad is known,
In the field of mars their glory shone;
Then let us cultivate at home,
The laws of peace in Erin !

Would freedom fair and commerce smile,
Upon my dear, my native isle,
Not Egypt with her flowing Nile,
Could equal thee sweet Erin;
Fine silver lakes and pearly springs,
And verdant groves where music rings,
And health, with healing in her wings,
Do bless the land of Erin.

'Tis principle that shows the man,
This is the best, the only plan,
And one that I have built upon,
As passing through old Erin.
Then let us at the present day,
Drive prejudice and spleen away,
Far, far beyond the Atlantic sea,
And all shake hands in Erin!