The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #45414   Message #675232
Posted By: Peter Kasin
24-Mar-02 - 02:27 AM
Thread Name: The things Kids say
Subject: RE: The things Kids say
Here's a "from the mouths of adults" one. Aboard the historic square-rigger where I work, I was being interviewed by an independent producer who produces travelogues for a radio travel show. The producer I was giving the ship tour to, who was taping the tour for the show, asked what kind of work was done on the foredeck. I showed her the capstan, anchor, and told her about the function of the bowsprit. She then, with a total straight face, pointed to the bowsprit and asked, "and did they crawl out there to work on the maidenhead?" It took every nerve and facial muscle control for me to keep a straight face and continue the interview, tactfully correcting her (she meant the "figurehead").
