The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #45569   Message #675797
Posted By: The Walrus
25-Mar-02 - 05:34 AM
Thread Name: BS: Thatcher speaks no more
Subject: RE: BS: Thatcher speaks no more
I would remind people that, when she stood for electiona for the first time as Tory leader, the Magatollah seemed no more radical than any other of her ilk, indeed, to my shame, it was the one time I voted Conservative (Well, remebering the "Winter of Discontent" she couldn't be any worse than the rest - WRONG!).
The problem was the "First Past the Post" system which gave her such a majority that, effectively, she became unstoppable and thus didn't seem to see a reason to stop - by the end of the first term, she believed her own B/S and was willing to do almost anything to stay.
As with some others here, I don't wish her ill health, indeed, I wish her a very long (and very quiet) retirement - Now, if there was only some way of removing all her assest so that she had to live on the state pension or in one of the nursing homes....


I wonder if T.I.N.A. was a closet folkie? There is a verse from "Fine Old English Tory Times" which seens to sum up her manifesto:-

"The fine old days now come again
the cry runs through the land
In England there shall be dear bread
In Ireland, sword and brand
And poverty and ignorance shall swell the rich and grand
So rally round the ruler with the gentle iron hand
In the fine old English Tory times
Hail to the coming tide
In the fine old English Tory times
Hail to the coming tide..."