The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #45586   Message #675923
Posted By: Little Hawk
25-Mar-02 - 11:08 AM
Thread Name: BS: What's wrong in the USA
Subject: RE: BS: What's wrong in the USA
Good point, Wolfgang. It is entirely desirable that we should buy things from all over the world and trade with other well as support our local businesses.

What is not desirable is that people in those other nations should be working for a pitifully low wage and be serving essentially as impoverished slaves in order to maintain our bloated and ridiculous North American or Western European lifestyle.

Extreme hierarchically perpetuated inequality is extreme and deliberate injustice...for the benefit of the privileged few.

Leprechaun - Actually, a genuinely sane and rational society could function absolutely fine with NO MONEY AT ALL....but...given the fact that we have all grown up in an insane and irrational society that gets down on its collective knees and prays to money every day of its silly life...most people cannot even imagine what I am proposing.

They WILL, however, find it easier to imagine when something happens that renders their money totally useless.

When the Titanic was sinking, no amount of money would buy you a spot on one of the lifeboats. Remember that. But common humanity would still make you grab an oar and help paddle the boat...without pay. If I see someone drowning in the river, I pull him out. I do not ask him to give me some money first!

- LH