The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #45603   Message #675988
Posted By: Big Mick
25-Mar-02 - 01:30 PM
Thread Name: Northern Ireland - anthem?
Subject: RE: Northern Ireland - anthem?
Thanks, Annraoi, for making several points that I would have made. You did it much better than I could ever have. The website that Tam sent me to had absolutely no reference to a constitution for "Northern Ireland", whatever the hell that is. In my mind it is simply the north of Ireland. Ulster has, since the earliest recorded times, had a personality all its own. But that is no different than the "downeasters", "southerners", "yankees", or "midwesterners" here in the United States of America. The simple fact is that Ulster consists of 9 counties, not 6. They are simply Irish counties that have been partitioned by a construct based on a political situation that Great Britain got herself into, and has been looking for a way out of for quite a time now. I wish the folks that live there well, and hope they find the peaceful path for that to happen..............for the children, all the children. But what I will attempt to expose every time I see it, is false language used to try and create a new reality. on with regard to your comments re: the much overused, and usually incorrectly, term of "Celtic". Great stuff, sir.
