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Thread #45603   Message #676312
Posted By: The Pooka
25-Mar-02 - 11:20 PM
Thread Name: Northern Ireland - anthem?
Subject: RE: Northern Ireland - anthem?
Tam the Bam - thanks. That is indeed an informative site---at least for those who can tolerate (a) statistics & the analysis thereof; and (b) the possibility that demography may be destiny. I've looked at that massive report before; and once posted it myself as a Clickie, somewhere-or-other on this musical-and-therefore-Irish-permeated Forum.

Although it's far from certain (as the Report rightly indicates), I think the preponderance of demographic evidence suggests that NI will probably someday vote to join the Irish Republic. I'm biased because I favor that---recognizing that that's real easy to say, from thousands of miles away. And -- I also think that if demography is indeed destiny, there's something intrinsically sad about that, regardless of one's preferred outcome.

Well. We shall see. But for the present, I still wistfully wish that the peoples of NI could settle upon an official-or-unofficial Anthem---regional, provincial, national, bicultural, call it what you will. Oh well -- I suppose not. (Not *yet*?) I suppose there is more important work to be done at this stage. (It just would be -- well -- nice.)

For anyone so inclined, here are assorted "official" (distinctly non-musical) NI-related sites:

The British government's Northern Ireland Office, Click here

The Northern Ireland Assembly, Click here

The Ulster Unionist Party, Click here

The Democratic Unionist Party, Click here

The Social Democratic and Labour Party, Click here

Sinn Fein, Click here