The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #45688   Message #676509
Posted By: John J
26-Mar-02 - 08:51 AM
Thread Name: stick to the point
Subject: RE: stick to the point
Doug, your point is a valid one, BUT (very big but) the Mudcat is a community consisting mainly of people with an interest in folk / blues. Those people, like you and I, have other interests that we like to discuss with fellow members. It would be a rare person indeed who's only interest was folk and / or blues.

I have had a huge amount of help, musical and otherwise, from the Mudcat. Such a diverse range of members provide a fantastic source of a huge amount of information.

Welcome to the Mudcat. It is an invaluable source of information, stored or provided by the members. It is infuriating at times, provides some of the biggest smiles I'm capable of producing, but is ALWAYS informative.

Enjoy it for what it is: brilliant.
