One of my favorite singers (U-Utah Phillips) one of my favorite songs (Goodnight-Loving Trail) and one of my favorite "movies" (Lonesome Dove) Thanks for the info on the song's recording. I first heard Bruce Phillips at a house "concert" at 885 Clayton Ave (the San Francisco Folk Music Club) and he sang that and another song which is not on his website called "They're Running the Bums Out of Town". Does anyone know where a recorded version of THAT song can be found? I visited BP's website and enjoyed his comments about the wobblies. I didn't know he knew Fred Thompson, I did know he knew Ammon Hennesey. I taught for a brief time in a grade school in the neighborhood where Joe Hill house was located. I was doing it as part of the Artists in the Schools program, back in the 70's. The neighborhood folks (a good sized Latino community) knew about the Joe Hill house and had good things to say about it. The local Catholic parish had something to do with Our Lady of Guadalupe, it was a long time ago and I can't remember much of the details. The program put us into the schools for 6 to 8 weeks, not the whole school year.CB