The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #45700   Message #677013
Posted By: ddw
26-Mar-02 - 08:01 PM
Thread Name: ADD: Fuck-All tae dae wi' music ljc (bawdy)
Subject: RE: Fuck-All tae dae wi' music ljc
I'm moved, too. Made me wanna puke. It is just the kind of misrepresentation of the facts that posters above have been trying to explain. Nobody has passed any laws OUTLAWING prayer. They have only outlawed FORCED PRAYER. At least the guy got it right that it is not the NRA's fault, but then he loses it for the same reason most believers lose it: they can't imagine how anybody can object to their beliefs, even when they try to force them on the non-believers. Learn a basic truth, folks —- some people find religion at least as offensive as religious people find non-belief.

Seems to me, then, that the best thing is to just shut up about it.

Morality and ethics can and should be taught without any religious base —— just start from the precept that human beings have to live in societies and extrapolate what any action would to the that society if everyone practised it. You can reach some pretty good decisions that way.

BTW, ljc, who would you have lead the prayers in your schools —— the priests and bishops of Boston? Or some of their MANY Canadian counterparts?
