The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #42245   Message #67810
Posted By: Matthew Bram
03-Apr-99 - 06:33 AM
Thread Name: Origins: Cruising round Yarmouth
Subject: ADD: Cruising 'round Yarmouth ^^
I have 2 or 3 versions, but I don't know which version (if either) belongs to him.


While cruisin' Round Yarmouth one morning in May,
I spied a flash clipper, her sails blowing free.
"I'm a fast going packet, ah me kind sir" said she.
"I'm ready for cargo for me hold is quite free," singing

    Fal de ral laddie, rye fal de ral dey
    Fal de ral laddie, rye fal de ral dey

Now what country she come from, I cannot tell much,
But by her appearance I took her for Dutch.
Well her flag wore its colors; her masthead was low.
She was round in the quarter and bluff in the bow, singing

So I threw her a rope and I took her in tow,
And yardarm to yardarm a-towin' we go.
Well we both towed together to the Swan With Two Hay.
We both towed together through Trafalgary Bay, singing

Then she took me upstairs and her tops'ls she lowered.
In her neat little parlor, she soon had me moored.
Well she laid in her fores'ls, her stays'ls and all,
With her lily white hand on me reef tackle fall, singing

Well I says, "Pretty fair maid, it's time to give o'er,
For betwixt wind and rapture, you've run me ashore,
For me shot locker's empty; me powder's all spent,
And I can't fire a shot for I'm choked at the vent, singing

Here's a luck to the girl with the long, curly locks.
Here's a luck to the girl who runs Jack on the rocks.
Here's a luck to the doctor who eased all his pain.
He's squared his main yard; he's a-cruisin' again, singing...^^