I counted 26 gospel tunes among the 78s on Honking Duck. There may be more, but I just counted likely titles. Already cited several times: Honk
Are You Washed in the Blood of the Lamb? Jackson Young Climbing Up the Golden Stairs. The Happy Four Cuba. Alabama Sacred Heart Singers Don't You Hear Jerusalem Moan? Gid Tanner and Skillet-Lickers From Jerusalem to Jerico. Uncle Dave Macon Jerusalem Moan. Bill Chitwood and Bud Landers Jordan is a Hard Road to Travel. Uncle dave Macon Little Moses. Carter Family Glory to the Lamb. Carter Family God Gave Noah the Rainbow Sign. Carter Family Hear dem Bells. Al Hopkins On the Rock Where Moses Stood. Carter Family Present Joys. Alabama Sacred Harp Singers Religion is a Fortune. Alabama Sacred Harp Singers River of Jordan. Carter Family Rocky Road. Alabama Sacred Harp Singers Room in Heaven for Me. Carter Family. Sea of Galilee. Carter Family Row Us Over the Tide. Bela Lam, Green Co. Singers The Lonesome Valley. Carolina Ramblers (related spiritual) Walk a Little Closer. Carter Family When I Walked the Streets of Gold. Roper's Mountain Singers When the Good Lord Sets You Free. Carolina Tarheels When the World's On Fire. Carter Family Where Shall I Be? Carter Family When They Ring The Golden Bells. Alfred G. Karnes