The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #45586   Message #679939
Posted By: Escamillo
31-Mar-02 - 01:25 AM
Thread Name: BS: What's wrong in the USA
Subject: RE: BS: What's wrong in the USA
Leprechaun, your phrase has enlighted me to understand why it is called the Anti-Christ:

"then you go into the Walmart to get doritos so you can watch the game at home, then some snot-nosed cheesy girl announces over the loud-speaker, "Attention Walmart shoppers, The Ducks won, beating California in the last quarter by..."

This is unheard of in Argentina, and, fortunately, it will not happen because WalMart is now departing, as Home Depot, Wendy's, Gillette, and many others did.

May God want that the Argentina disaster (see the thread "Still alive in Argentina") serves as an escape valve to globalization. Some symptoms are already noticeable: Mom&Pop stores are recovering from a 30% share to 45%, local manufacturers are trying to raise their heads (including myself as software developer), some absurd products are disappearing (French carrots, Danish cheese, Israeli peaches, U.S. candy, Italian coats, etc.) and 1.5 million tourists arrived in the last two weeks are frantically buying everything by the dozen. Soon I could export CDs with my voice !! (no, we better take care of that market)

Will we see again those golden days when you could buy a genuine locally made pair of leather shoes ? Buy an excellent guitar not made in Japan ? See our workers out of the streets, busy at their workshops ? Eat something tasteful ?

Wolfgang, sometimes we have some coincidence with the right wing. As a scientist, you may agree that the value of truth is independent of the source where the information comes from. :)

Un abrazo - Andrés