The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #45951   Message #680165
Posted By: katlaughing
31-Mar-02 - 12:08 PM
Thread Name: American ancestry
Subject: RE: American ancestry
LOL, Allan!

I love looking for roots and was given a great headstart by my uncle who traced my mom's dad's side way back to the 1500's in England. I've gone back to the 1600's on mom's mom's side. I am still working on my dad's parents. Cowboys didn't always keep as good of records.:-)

For a long time I always heard my mom's mom and dad were English. He was, but I found out a few years ago that she was Scottish, a member of the Ewing clan. There's some Irish in there, too, which I just recently discovered.

On my dad's side, we are Scottish, English, and Native American. Though, if I ever get back far enough, I am sure the "Hudson" has some Scandinavian roots, too.

CarolC, one of my ancestors was in Barbados. Maybe they traded sugar etc.?!

I have often wondered at the demographics of blacks in America. Until my son-in-law speaks people just assume he was born and raised here, instead of in Antigua.

Jeri, I was going to say you could have gotten your red hair, light skin and freckles from your Scottish grandma, like I did, but then I read on.:-) And, how come freckles fade? Did yours fade? I liked mine and they are still visible, but faded, darn it.*bg*

When I was growing up in Colorado we had high concentrations of Hispanics and Germans, still do.

IF anyone wants to really get into the genealogy thing, I started a forum over at Jon's Annexe last fall, with a lot of links posted by myself and others. When I have time, I don't mind looking a few things up for folks, either, as I do subscribe to the LDS/Mormons' site.
