The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #44966   Message #681066
Posted By: Ian Darby
01-Apr-02 - 07:17 PM
Thread Name: non-music: Good news
Subject: RE: Good news
Best of luck to you Pal.

Looks like you're halfway out of the woods, just remember to run like F**K when you see the Gingerbread cottage and you'll be okay.

You're obviously a gifted and fine musician. This, coupled with charisma has attracted loyal friends and complete strangers to offer moral support, prayers and kind thoughts.

While you're on a roll, may I suggest you ask them for money as well? (Except me.)

Very best wishes, get well soon...

P.S. regarding Mc Grath's comments. P.M. your address to me and I will SEND you some Kendall Mint Cake. (The greatest sugar rush ever.) I will also include a packet of 'Uncle Joe's Mint Balls' and 'Fisherman's Friends'.

I don't know if you have these in America but If you haven't sucked a 'Fisherman's Friend' you don't know what you're missing. (We use this line a lot at gigs.)

P.P.S. Radiation may give you extra powers, although in my case I don't want 'em. Who in their right mind would want to know what the audience is actually thinking?

P.P.P.S. X Ray vision could be okay though.

P.P.P.P.S. As long as it only went through the first couple of layers of clothing.