The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #37548   Message #681094
Posted By: Shantymanuk
01-Apr-02 - 07:51 PM
Thread Name: What is a Shanty
Subject: RE: What is a Shanty
Thanks so much for the input.

I found it so stimulating that I spent many hours fo introspection looking to see if I could explain to myself the hidden depths of your real meanings.(NOT!) "Ditch these losers" is my personal interpretation. However, I find that when people react in a negative way, there is usually a reason.

Why be offensive, when you could be constructive.

GARETH, I suspect that you send that angry response in the same verse to all sorts of people. It is hardly original. It doesn't even relate to what I said in my post, as far as I can see, but if I'm wrong please post or even PM me. Just remember Swansea's part in wrecking ships, and in the slave trade that was bound for Bristol.

MELANI, yes, I have my own dictionary. Quite why you would need to send me (twice), a definition of which I am already aware escapes me. If you can piece together a post that is constructive, I would be very happy to read it.

As for "53", what sort of name is that? I am sure that you prostitute your literacy by your reply. Do you mean a "piece of shit" house or a piece of "shit house"? I would be grateful if you could post a cogent reply.

Your posts are received, I am sure in the spirit in which you sent them.

