The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #45842   Message #682070
Posted By: Giac
03-Apr-02 - 11:10 AM
Thread Name: Lyr ADD: Old Richmond Prison (from Ralph Stanley)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Old Richmond Prison, Ralph Stanley
As a long shot, I sent an email to the Dickenson County website address and received the following response:

"Hiya Mary

"Yes, Richmond Prison is a song based on a real event. The Barton Brothers originally recorded it. It is about the life of one of the Barton Brothers, who did shoot the Sheriff of Buchanan County. He has served his time and is out of jail now, but he wrote the song while he was in prison. He still lives here.

"Please visit our chat site. We stream live music there most every night. To find out more on how to join us check out our website at

Dickenson County

Hope to see you soon, Zoe"

In response to my next email, asking permission to post the info to Mudcat, Zoe responded:

"I dont think they would mind you putting the info on (Mudcat) ... after all it is all public knowledge around here. I live two ridges over from Ralph Stanley in Dickenson County. Ralph is my husband's cousin.


I haven't visited the chat site yet, but sounds promising, and maybe more info will be forthcoming.
