The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #46099   Message #682692
Posted By: Sandra in Sydney
04-Apr-02 - 07:33 AM
Thread Name: BS: Well, it means well...spellchecker grins
Subject: RE: BS: Well, it means well...spellchecker grins
Spellcheck knows best - in January I sent out a notice re our next concert - one singer had worked as a jackaroo, who is a young lad starting out in a cattle station (ranch if you speak American) - spellcheck pulled a swify & the readers were told he was a jackass. A friend who works in PR once sent out a notice that gave the artist's surname as Dill instead of Doyle. Fortunately both artists were cool about the slip. (ps. a dill is a dope or fool in case it's just local slang)

A colleague with a warped sense of humour (one of my type of folks)let spellcheck have its way once when typing up the minutes of a meeting & all attendees had names as suggested by the infallible system.