The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #46077   Message #682841
Posted By: Jimmy C
04-Apr-02 - 11:29 AM
Thread Name: BS: McGuinness: united Ireland by 2016
Subject: RE: BS: McGuinness: united Ireland by 2016
It is coming and there is nothing any hardline loyalist can do about it. For too many years they have spouted about democracy and the rights of the majority (albeit a false one). The tide has turned and a united Ireland is no longer a far off dream. If democracy is allowed to work, and if the will of the Irish people is sanctioned by other countries then it is coming. Whether it comes in 2016 or not is debatable, but it will not be too long after that date, that's for sure. When it does come I hope the present loyalist will embrace the new Ireland and I sincerely hope the nationalist will accept them as fellow countrymen. They also have a role to play in the future of the land.

Whether it will be good for the country or not, we will have to wait and see. As the old song says
" We're on the long road, it may be the wrong road, but we're together now, who cares ?'

I may not see it but I will die happy to know that I have seen it on the horizon and my children almost definitely will experience a united Ireland with all political connections to England broken at last. In my will I have the stipulation that if I am dead when it happens, that, as soon as the Union Jack is lowered from the flag posts at Stormont and other buildings throughout the 6 counties, then a bottle if Irish whiskey is to be poured over my grave. I just hope it doesn't pass through anybody's kidneys first.