The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77412 Message #682977
Posted By: Joe Offer
04-Apr-02 - 02:16 PM
Thread Name: Scout Songbooks Index PermaThread
Subject: Scout Songbook Index PermaThread
This is an edited PermaThread, and all messages posted here are subject to editing and deletion. This thread is intended to serve as a forum for indexing Boy Scout and Girl Scout/Girl guide and Camfire songbooks, and songbooks from similar youth organizations.
A number of us have large songbook collections, and we just can't post every song from every book. We figured that at least we could post the index pages from songbooks. That way, a song title can turn up in a Google search, and lead to the person who has a book with that song in it.
If you'd like to post a request for one of these songs, post it below and we'll make sure your request gets to the best place and finds an answer. -Joe Offer-
How to use Songbook Indexes
Use [CTRL-F] to find the song you want, and then post a request for the song at the bottom of the thread. We'll contact the songbook owner and obtain the lyrics, and we'll post an answer or a link in your request message.