The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #45609   Message #683145
Posted By: GUEST,annamill's daughter Amy
04-Apr-02 - 05:17 PM
Thread Name: BS: MS support for and from Mudcatters
Subject: RE: BS: MS support for and from Mudcatters
With my eyesight imptoving and with the help of the magnifier, i was finally able to read soime of your postings. It really means a lot that all of you are thinkimg of me and my mother.

I've just been married, my eyesight is improving, my attaxia(sp) is mych better so i am able to go for ong walks when needed. I am going to try to hook up with a specialist in yhe area, and i have been in contact with an old friend who has had MS for 20 years, and he made feel better.

I am not scared. I have a lot of people pulling for me and i am very strong emotionally and the doctor's tell me that i am otherwise 100% healthy. One doctor said I am the healthiest person with brain leisions she ever saw. (Just have to get past the idea of injecting myself, but til then I have my husband to do it, God bless him.)

Thank you again for all the information...that was especially needed and appreciated.

God bless you all
