The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #10057   Message #68347
Posted By:
05-Apr-99 - 08:12 PM
Thread Name: URL: Home of the Silver Screen Cowboys
Subject: RE: URL: Home of the Silver Screen Cowboys
Arkie--Re. Bobby Benson

Bobby Benson was the kid owner of the B-Bar-B ranch. His guardian and foreman was a guy named Tex. Often on their adventures Tex would take on the disguise of the Lemonade Kid...remember this was a kids' show so no booze allowed. At least that's how I recollect it, pard. I do not recall this show being on TV or the big screen, only radio and comic books.

Another radio cowboy(?) was Straight Arrow who was a rancher named Steve somethingorother until an evil needed being made right. That was sponsored by N-A-B-I-S-C-O, Nabisco is the name to know. The tie-in with the sponsor was a series of outdoor survival lore the Indian way packaged as the dividers in the cereal box.

These shows were on the air 50 years ago, so I guess that makes you really old, Arkie (or at least about my age).--John