The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #45609   Message #683875
Posted By: Mary in Kentucky
05-Apr-02 - 02:10 PM
Thread Name: BS: MS support for and from Mudcatters
Subject: RE: BS: MS support for and from Mudcatters
I used to tell myself, "If a junkie can hit the vein, surely I can stick a tiny half inch needle in my fat!"

I've now done it almost one thousand times!

(I learned just last Fall that a vigorous 5 minute massage of the area prior to injection reduces the hardness and bruising considerably. Also, room temp. meds, a large needle for dilution (reduces bubbles), a dry needle, ice packs...all help too) My Betaseron is in the fat, not muscle, and a perfect 90 degree angle helps too.)