The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #46099   Message #684100
Posted By: Genie
05-Apr-02 - 07:30 PM
Thread Name: BS: Well, it means well...spellchecker grins
Subject: RE: BS: Well, it means well...spellchecker grins
Then there's the [real] case of Mr. R. B. Jones*--a man with only initials, no first and middle name. The government bureaucracy, of course, -- computers or no -- could not accept this, nor could most corporate bureaucracies. He kept getting his applications and forms rejected because they "need the full name." Finally, in frustration, he wrote his name as R. (only) B. (only) Jones -- after which his name appeared on all checks, bills, and other documents as "Ronly Bonly Jones."


*I'm not sure the last name was Jones, but that is how I was told the tale.