The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #32743   Message #684365
Posted By: GUEST
06-Apr-02 - 04:11 AM
Thread Name: BS: United States BASHING Available HERE!!!!
Subject: RE: BS: United States BASHING Available HERE!!!!
I might be stating the obvious, but to those who apologise for not being able to 'do anything about it' as I'm only part of the working classes and 'we do as we are told' because 'they really rule O.K.'.

C'mon get real! WE CAN change what's happening if we choose, but we don't, we talk a good talk, but, don't walk the walk' (hey! is that another American'ism)

Think France - Russia - Cuba- India - etc. etc. then think AMERICA v's Britain..yeah it's been done before YOU just forgot the reasons why!! When I think and talk about America, I never assume 'blame America' for all the ill's because that's what it's there for, an excuse! Europe created it to gain wealth (which historically has always come with a heavy price to pay) without doing too many dirty deeds on it's own doorstep.

So in short it's up to ALL of us across the pond to set things right, as you obviously lurve those burgers and can't get of your Fat arses to do anything for your future generations. As usual 'last in - first out!
