The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #46099   Message #685147
Posted By: Nemesis
07-Apr-02 - 06:17 PM
Thread Name: BS: Well, it means well...spellchecker grins
Subject: RE: BS: Well, it means well...spellchecker grins
The (nearly) most aggravating spell checker I ever had to contend with was working for UN poverty researchers and trying to type up this 10,000 word academic paper on Women and women in the 3rd world, and women, etc - and the spell checker kept saying that 'Women is a gender specific word - you prefer to change it to people, persons'. NO! No, 10,000 times no! :)

My personal spell checker has recently thrown up suggestions of 'tomato' for Tomasjewski

and 'urinate' for Ruinet