The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #46240   Message #685316
Posted By: Coyote Breath
08-Apr-02 - 12:41 AM
Thread Name: Songs about Daylight Savings Time?
Subject: RE: Songs about Daylight Savings Time?
Yes, I remember the Moonlight Savings Time song but I can't recall who I heard sing it! A ukelele certainly sounds like it would be the right instrument.

Thanks for the Double Daylight Savings Time song Dale, it appears that some other countries use it too if I understand the reference to Newfoundland.

Anyone know if the practice is limited to the Northern half of the Western hemisphere or not?

When I was a boy in Wisconsin, the dairy farmers were all agin it. Said that the cows were ready to give milk when they were ready to give milk and fooling around with the clocks wasn't going to do anything but confuse the issue. As a result Wisconsin didn't have DST while Illinois (at least Chicago) did, made for some confusion, you bet. That was back in the days when colored margarine was illegal in Wisconsin and trucks full of the colored stuff (in quarters, just like BUTTER) would be parked just over the Wisconsin/Illinois line, doing a brisk business.