The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #46077   Message #685440
Posted By: GUEST
08-Apr-02 - 09:36 AM
Thread Name: BS: McGuinness: united Ireland by 2016
Subject: RE: BS: McGuinness: united Ireland by 2016
The IRA has just announced it's second round of decommissioning arms, confirmed by de Chastelain's decommissioning body, and welcomed by Unionist David Trimble and both governments.

I think the time for invoking the word "murderous" in association with Sinn Fein is past. If the rest of the world can accept the war in the North is over, that is good enough for me.

Sinn Fein, the IRA, and the peace process don't need the approval of loyalist and unionist facsists to succeed. Sinn Fein isn't the politically isolated party now, it is the DUP and the loyalist paramilitaries refusing to adhere to the ceasefire, and decommission their weapons.

With marching season being upon us again, we'll see if the DUP/loyalist paramilitaries have learned anything from their recent fiasco bombing and harrassing 6 year old girls and their parents walking to school. They were condemned by the entire world.

How anyone can claim that the IRA is still the villan here, I'll never know. The world sees clearly now who the real terrorists are in the north, and they aren't pointing a finger at Martin McGuiness anymore. That tired old game is only played by loser loyalist fanatics.