The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #46114   Message #686286
Posted By: GUEST
09-Apr-02 - 12:57 PM
Thread Name: BS: Saddam Hussein Mutual Life
Subject: RE: BS: Saddam Hussein Mutual Life
Fair enough, Guest Hamshank, so 4 Apr 3:28 isn't you. Whomever that guest is, they are quite good at trolling (it was me they were attempting to do it to, which is why I ignored the post).

As to your suggestion that I am an insulting asshole, I will only say this. You don't know me. I have called Celtic Soul a racist from the lunatic religious right fringe, which is what I believe she truly is. If saying so makes me an insulting asshole, I'm proud to be one.

As I said, I don't suffer fools for the sake of politeness, especially in internet forums where people's bigoted behavior is routinely defended by the group mind which shares those beliefs and values.