The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #46326   Message #686644
Posted By: Celtic Soul
09-Apr-02 - 08:14 PM
Thread Name: BS: More on 'how to treat GUESTS'
Subject: More on 'how to treat GUESTS'
Dear Joe and Max...sorry for duplicating a thread title, but I wanted to pose a thought and didn't want it lost under so many other posts.

Something occured to me from my days of dealing with flamers and trolls on usenet.

Is it possible to add a filter? If it were, then anyone could simply put those they would rather not read in the kill file, and motor on their way without the nuisance.

If it were an optional thing each individual could choose to do or not, as they wished, then it isn't censorship (except on the part of the person doing the censoring).

Seems ideal from my vantage point.