The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #46114   Message #686754
Posted By: Troll
09-Apr-02 - 11:49 PM
Thread Name: BS: Saddam Hussein Mutual Life
Subject: RE: BS: Saddam Hussein Mutual Life
Sorry CarolC. It was the Opinion Journal of the Wall Street Journal. It's a daily column on a news site that I read fairly regularly. I should have been more specific.
However, to imply that a straight news article is automatically less biased that an opinion piece is naive (again). The reporters bias will come through as will the bias of the papers editorial policy. It's all in how you say it. It's called spin and both sides do it, so which side you believe depends upon your bias.
As the following shows.
Jewish students coming out of worship services have been pelted with eggs and subjected to epithets, Oleon said. Last week someone threw a cinder block through the front windows and wrote "F--- Jews" in black marker on the Jewish Hillel cultural center's recycling bins. Some Jewish students believe that Berkeley professors, even those who are Jewish, have unfairly come down hard on Israel in lectures.

But Palestinian students say they too are harassed on campus--labeled as terrorists and as being anti-Semitic just for voicing their opposition to Israel. Some say Zionist students have tried to intimidate them by declaring their intentions to join the Israeli army after graduation.

Note how the Chronicle sets up a parallel between the experiences of the two groups of students. Yet in fact they are anything but equivalent. The Jews are subjected to physical assault for practicing their faith. The Palestinians' only complaint is that their feelings are hurt because others disagree with their political opinions.

Also, is there a bigger wimp anywhere than the Palestinian students who are "intimidated" by fellow Berkeleyites threatening to join the Israeli army? The West Coast is a long way from the West Bank, after all, and Israeli tanks are not going to roll into Berkeley--pleasing though that thought may be.

Where Are the French When You Need Them? "A Palestinian military court sentenced six Palestinians to death yesterday for collaborating with Israel," the Jerusalem Post reports. "The sentences were handed down in a secret session held in the pre-dawn hours in Gaza City, Palestinian security officials said." One of the purported collaborators, a 15-year-old, had his sentence commuted to 15 years of hard labor.

Ha'aretz reports that the European Union, which strongly opposes the death penalty in the U.S., Turkey and elsewhere, is considering trade sanctions--against Israel.
This is pretty much quote without comment. You can make of it what you will.


BTW. For those who would label me a racist, I've been called that before. I didn't believe it then either.